Saturday, February 16, 2008

Taxes And Extortion

Extortion is a form of theft under which the victim is placed at a disadvantage and threatened usually with violence if he does not comply. It is an ongoing form of theft commonly used in organized crime e.g. The families goon's shoe up at the local haberdasher's shop every week same time same day to pick up their percentage of the gross receipts, if the owner fails to comply a terrible accident is to be expected. In general there are only two kinds of people who are of the poor moral character to steal your money. Number one would be a thief, the second a government.

Let us examine the two: A thief will leverage a weapon such as a gun or a knife. A Government uses the police power of the state which also has guns and jails if we do not comply. The extortionist expects payment on a regular basis. In exchange for the payment the extortionist provides the service of accident control. He may be part of a crime syndicate that provides various services for the neighborhood. The Government uses the police power of the state to secure regular payments from the hard earned paycheck of the working stiff in exchange for providing the above stiff a stay out of jail pass as long as he complies.

What shocks and concerns me the most is that the people of this country have grown to except and even expect this. Patrick Henry must turning over in his grave. Didn't the founding fathers fight a war over a half a percent tax. I watched on television the other day and some gentleman who didn't look particularly stupid said "I like Obama because he just came out and said he would raise taxes, I'm voting for him". I almost soiled my jockeys. I guess looks can be deceiving. How did we get here? Now I understand Obama has a list of things he thinks the government would do a great job on improving and maybe he feels the government should come up with some more of their great programs. But isn't that a little scary. I mean after all aren't the ten most dreaded words in the English language " Hi I'm from the government and I'm here to help".

If you add up all of the taxes the average working person pays like federal income, FICA, State income, property taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes etc..... the working man or woman now works until July the 4th for the Government. This is appalling. But whats more appalling is the fact that so many people lately are looking to the Government for solution to problems it has no business trying to solve. So many people would be OK with working until October for the Government if they run health care. My next post I will explain why this is a dangerous line of thought.

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